Hiroshima University's English Podcast

アメリカ★は愉快だ (4) いざ、大学寮へ!



Download MP3 入国早々ひと騒動あったMomoとHiroですが、これからいよいよネバダ州・リノの大学寮に向かおうとしています。 「アメリカ★は愉快だ」は、英語は上達したいけど少し苦手…という方々を対象にしたシリーズです。シャドウイングの練習もありますので、しっかり聞いて、しっかり声に出して練習してみましょう。  *** Script *** 4: Finally! (Hiro and Momo) (Written by Jazmin Boulton) M: Wow, it took forever to get through customs and immigration, but we made it! W: It would’ve been a lot quicker if that guy hadn’t been arrested… America is scary already, and we haven’t even left the airport! M: Don’t worry. Just stay aware-- and don’t do anything illegal! W: (scoffs) Oh, please, Hiro, I’m a model citizen-- a model WORLD citizen! M: Need I remind you of how you got NINE bottles of sake confiscated less than an hour ago?... Hey look, those people have a sign with our names on it! They must be here to pick us up! W: Oh, yeah! I can’t wait to meet my new roommates at the dormitory. I hope they’re nice... M: Even if they’re not, I’m sure you’ll make plenty of friends! W: So will you. Especially living at the Boys’ International House! Part of me