Hiroshima University's English Podcast

やさしい英語会話 (331) A Happy Birthday?



Download MP3 妻の誕生日を祝おうとする夫ですが、妻の方はあまり嬉しくなさそうな様子。その理由は…!?   *** It's a Good Expression *** (今回の重要表現) be allergic to 〜にアレルギーがある awesome 素晴らしい Honey 親しい人への呼びかけ(特に夫婦間で) mum イギリス・オーストラリア英語。アメリカではmom。 pack up 荷物をまとめる nuts ばか for ages 長い間 mess everything up 全てを台無しにする *** Script *** A Happy Birthday? Situation: A husband enters the room with a bouquet of flowers in his hands. M: Reiko, happy birthday! (Holds out a bouquet) W: (accepts the flowers without enthusiasm): Oh… OK… But I’m allergic to flowers! How could you forget? M: Oops. Sorry!... Hmm… What shall we do on this special day? Last year I took you to the karaoke restaurant. Remember? It was awesome! W: Oh yes, how could I forget about that time. It was “awesome” for you to invite your mum too! And yes, it’s “awesome” to be taught how to sing on your own birthday when everyone is looking at you! Thanks to you and your mother! M: Honey, I thought you liked it! W: You know, on MY mum’s birthdays, my dad always makes a special dinner because