Kwant Podcast




KWANT XVII ° SAMWEL ( КРЮК ) Всем привет ! Мы долго ждали и вот этот день настал , мы выпустили свежий техно подкаст от нашего друга Sa, и он уже выгружен на всех платформах. Все ссылки вы можете найти на наших страницах в вконтакте,Facebook, soundcloud и iTunes Приятного прослушивания друзья! We released a fresh techno podcast from our friend Sa, and it’s already uploaded on all platforms. All links you can find on our pages in VKontakte, Facebook, soundcloud and iTunes In the search box enter KWANT PODCAST Enjoy friends! about Samwel Sal Working with samples, synths and wit, Samvel Muradian aka Sa creates something unique and intriguing with Luna Luista, a weird combination of crackly hypnagogia, IDM and musique concret. There’s even jazz and classical music in there, but these show up more as sources for Sa to dissect and process, whirling about in a jumbled stew. For all the ingredients Luna Luista remains surprisingly lithe and focused, pitched somewhere between Ghost Box, Plug Research and Wolfgang