Youth Achievers Usa

AMERICAN MENTORS: From Minority To Majority



Last week your American Mentors checked in on friends at the Children’s Defense Fund to learn of a major shift for the U.S. economy.  We learned that children of color will represent the majority of the U.S. population by the year 2019. We asked ourselves, and now we ask you, what changes, if any, can be expected in the policies, programs and investments that impact America’s Future.  For that matter, what changes in our actions, attitudes and habits will be needed in becoming that MORE PERFECT UNION?  If the demographics from Ferguson, Missouri, Sanford, Florida, Chicago and other high-threat communities are any indicator, one thing that needs to change is the value we place on America’s children and an historic threat to their young lives.  What are your rights and responsibilities? JOIN US!  Saturday, 12 noon Eastern, 11 am Central, 9 am Pacific as your American Mentors chart a course from being Minority to becoming the Majority.