Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 280 Do I have a Writer’s Block? (And how to overcome it)



Today's Topic Writer’s block can happen to anyone! Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunes For complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Podcast Show flow What is Writer’s Block What we tell ourselves I am not good enough The work is not good enough I am just too lazy I do not have the time I am too stupid I am not a writer … 3 Areas of Writer’s Block Imposter’s Syndrome “Stop asking if you belong and start asking if you’re being of absolute service every day.” – Brendan Burchard Fear Prep Start working especially when your brain is screaming stop you are … Lost Research just want you need to do Find a structure you understand Start Fixing it Define the Problem Find three solutions, one would be do what you are doing now Figure the probably good and bad result of each Effect you and your relationships Pick the one that most suits you   Worldbuilding Task Start Writing for 15 minutes when you feel blocked   Real world task  Get outside and do somethi