Hiroshima University's English Podcast

やさしい英語会話 (330) Wild Dogs in Saijo



Download MP3 リスナーの皆さんは、野良犬に吠えられたり追っかけられたりした経験はないでしょうか。犬は人が逃げようとすると喜んで追いかけるもの。野良犬に会ったら相手にせず、そっとその場を離れるのが一番のようですが、果たして今回の会話では…。     *** It's a Good Expression *** (今回の重要表現) Oh my gosh! あら! stupid ばかな bark at ... ...に吠える stick 棒 scare off を追い払う scrawny やせた broom ほうき *** Script *** Wild Dogs in Saijo Situation: A Japanese man and American woman are sitting in the man’s apartment, tired after hosting a party. W: (gasps loudly) Oh my gosh! Kazu! M: Huh?! What’s wrong, Claire? W: I just got a text from Kotaro! He said he’s being chased by a wild dog! M: Hey, didn’t he just leave? I haven’t seen any dogs around here except for my neighbor’s stupid little terrier. W: He said it came out of a rice field! M: Ha ha, only in a small town like Saijo! W: Now it’s barking at him! What should we do? M: “We”? Tell him to just get a giant stick to scare it off! W: What if it bites him? M: Don’t worry, Claire. I’m sure it’s just one of those scrawny farmer’s dogs that we sometimes see running around in th