5 Smooth Stones

*** OPEN FORUM ***



** OPEN FORUM *** TONIGHT HEBREW ISRAELITES VS. CHRISTIANS IS THERE A DIFFERENCE   PART ll TUNE IN 8PM CST JUNE 27 2017 Again many still are asking what is the difference between Hebrew Israelites beliefs and Christianity? Well, tonight part ll Bro. Seth and Bro. Yahshuah and host of callers will try to answer the basics and more. Hebrew Israelites are the largest spiritual movement in America hands down!! So,who are these young people seeking to please the Father and declaring that African Americans are one of the lost tribes of Israel among other truth? Above all these young people seem to seek to know  "WHO THEY ARE" and what the Father requires. Some have have forsaken most American Holidays in lieu of observing ancient Israel Holy days, many see to institute certain laws from the old testament while walking in grace through the Messiah blood.  "MANY POINTS WE WILL BRING OUT WE DIDN'T COVER IN PART ONE" CALL TO LISTEN OR SPEAK WITH HOST ( 914) 205-5590  or CLICK TO LISTEN OVER YOUR COMPUTER  http:/