Sherri Jefferson

Protect Victims of Child Exploitation: Stop charging them as prostitutes



We Need 100 Signatures to Help Stop Charging Victims of Child Exploitation for Prostitution. #SafehousesNotJailhouses Human Trafficking Victims in America. Stop charging them as prostitutes. #BanArrestandAssess.  This episode will discuss the Justice for Trafficking Victims Act 2015.  We will discuss that children who are victims of child sexual exploitation are charged as "child prostitutes" every day in America. We will discuss that only 18 out of 50 states have Safe Harbor laws and what we can do to change this problem. Every one is accountable for the collateral consequences associated with locking up children, so why has Congress refused to mandate that victims of child exploitation should not be charged as prostitute? Go to and sign our petition and share it with everyone that you know.