Wide Awakening Radio

Jennifer speaks with 5-time Emmy Award winning producer Shawne Duperon!



Listen in as Jennifer speaks with Five-time EMMY® Award winning producer Shawne Duperon has taught thousands of business owners entrepreneurs and executives. On a scale of one to ten, where's your level of cynicism when it comes to media? How do you really feel about TV news? If you think reporters are out to get you, are only looking for "bad" stories, and are difficult to reach, the Law of Attraction says that's exactly what you will manifest! Shawne doesn't teach you how to "battle or control" the media. Shawne takes you into the newsroom like no one else and works from your media belief system, forever altering how you see media. That shift causes miracles in your business and your life. You'll leave with a new found personal power to pitch stories, interview, network, manage gossip in your workplace, or even forgive the unforgivable.