Wide Awakening Radio

Jennifer Hough Speaks with Juelle on our Thailand adventure



Meet Juelle and Donovan. They have been on the front lines of consciousness work for over 30 years. They lead spiritual pilgrimages to sacred sites all over the world.    They live in Thailand for much of the year and have been here for about 14 years. They have special connections here that make a journey like this extremely rich.    Juelle and Donovan will be putting together a special journey for us here at the Wide Awakening to one of their favorite places on earth, Thailand and focusing on one of their favorite beings on earth, the Asian elephants. They feel they carry the heartbeat of our planet and much is to be learned and to be awakened by being with these amazing gentle giants. They will also be taking us to two other special places to "pay it forward" which we know you will love.   Join us November 2-12 for a powerful awakening adventure to Thailand with Jennifer and Juelle!    www.TheWideAwakening.com   Jennifer Hough Speaks with Juelle on our Thailand adventure