Wide Awakening Radio

Living On Purpose Without Limits



Living On Purpose Without Limits A Solar Eclipse, Super Moon, and the Spring Equinox all happened at the same time - wowwww! Did you feel any incredible shifts taking place? I did! Some monster upgrades to consciousness are coming from our Pleiadian Roots, Dolphins, Sirius, Whales and Atlantis. There is also (as a result) a new DNA Strand available. During this radio show, you will get to experience an activation I specifically created for all the shifting going on, right now. This activation will assist you to see what these new upgrades mean, regarding a whole new level of transcending limits in your life, by providing you tools to flourish through the upgrades and know what it is to be living on purpose without limits.   The Wide Awakening is a show all about remembering who you are, waking up to your unlimitedness, and creating Heaven on Earth by starting with your life. If you are ready for ease, flow, joy and connection...and to hear some of the most forward thinking teachers and inspirers of our tim