Wide Awakening Radio

3 Mistakes People Make in Fluid Relationships



Wide Awakening Radio with Jennifer Hough Topic: 3 Mistakes People Make in Fluid Relationships   Like myself and many others,  you may have been feeling that Humanity is awakening to a new kind of love that is available. This kind of love begs us to become who we really are and you will notice that life and love can get really messed up when we act from our identities and fears. In order to get some clarity and understanding on the 3 biggest mistakes that people make when it comes to fluid relationships, we’ll be answering these 3 questions: How do you live and love fully without allowing anything in the way?   How do you stop internalizing the perceptions of others?    What is the multi-dimensional perspective on love? Join Jennifer for this powerful conversation about returning to love. We can't wait to hear your comments, and questions during the show!   The Wide Awakening is a show all about remembering who you are, waking up to your unlimitedness, and creating Heaven on Earth by starting with