Wide Awakening Radio

The 2018 Annual Activation



The Wide Awakening Radio Show with Jennifer Hough Topic: The 2018 Annual Activation - The Year of Being a Relentless Champion of Your Heart’s Knowing Let’s activate this incredible new year, together.  2018 will be filled with compassionate creativity, massive cultural shifts and expanded fluidity, as you choose to allow your heart to lead, instead of your mind.  We spent 2017 being catalyzed by the contrast of what is happening in the world.   2018, as a result, has already been created in our future dimensions as the year of “getting on with it”.    Your life, as a result, will find greater flow, and less resistance! Come and learn the tools, skills and new ways of thinking that will give way to your most wonderful 2018 in Jennifer’s annual “New Year’s Activation” The Wide Awakening Radio Show is all about remembering who you are, waking up to your unlimitedness, and creating Heaven on Earth by starting with your life. If you are ready for ease, flow, joy and connection...and to hear some of the most