The Tazz And Paula Show

"The Children of Roswell" with Thomas J. Carey



Sons and Daughters of Roswell Witnesses Reveal Years of Abuse and Surveillance by U.S. Government. Since 1947 when alien spacecraft crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, the historic incident has been well documented, described, researched and explained in countless books, articles and films. Two of the most reputable Roswell experts, Thomas J. Carey and Donald R. Schmitt, have at last exposed the turbulent and scandalous aftermath–the lifetime impact that Roswell has had on families who have lived with the truth while enduring the government’s erroneous accounts of the event. In the newest of their bestsellers, The Children of Roswell: A Seven-Decade Legacy of Fear, Intimidation, and Cover-Ups ... the authors reveal evidence of years of suppression and fear of reprisal that these descendants of the Roswell witnesses have suffered from the U.S. government. Most of the parents who were present during or immediately after the incident may have passed on, but their children and grandchildren know what happened a