Dr. Leonard Robinson

Apostolic Kingdom w/Terance & Victoria Blount



Every apostle during the time that Jesus walked with them, were being trained for Kingdom living.  They were not just being trained to carry the message of Jesus life, death, burial and resurrection but they were also being trrained to preach, demonstrate and teach the same doctrine Jesus ministered to them, that the people the apostles ministered to as the Church, would be equipped to do the same work of the ministry that Jesus and the apostles were doing in advancing the Father's doctrine of the Kingdom as they reconciled man back to God.  The Blounts have spent hours rediscovering God's original purpose for man and for sending Jesus as the 2nd Adam to restore what the first Adam lost.  As they pass this knowledge on to you from their apostleship you will rediscover foundational truths that bring healing, deliverance, wholeness and soundness because of the truth of the gospel they share through this radio program.  Get your Bible and notepad and prepare to be transformed from the inside out as you embrace t