Dr Zoe Today

50 Shades of Foxx With Dr. Zoe



World's #1 Wealth Coach, JT Foxx discusses his friends Richard Branson & the Trumps along with SEX, MONEY & POWER.   "If people say Donald Trump is arrogant & cocky, okay, well Donald Trump doesn't care what you say unless you're worth more than $6 billion. If Warren Buffett told Donald Trump he was cocky, I'm pretty sure he would listen." JT Foxx, "The World's #1 Wealth Coach" speaks of his friend. Foxx discusses some intimate details on his business associates Richard Branson, the Trumps, Sylvester Stallone, Al Pacino, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Stedman Graham just to name a few.   In the beginning of the interview, "the next billionaire" delves into his tumultuous family life, stating that they're "too controversial to be on the Jerry Springer show". Host, Dr. ZoeLena Shuster "Dr. Zoe" had similar experiences in the past with her own family. Foxx and Shuster both coach high profile individuals for a living. The two powerhouses share an undeniable chemistry during the show, making for a listeni