Natural Co-creators With Jennifer Lynch

Jacqui Turvey talks about her work with EFT & Angels



I'm really excited to catch up with Jacqui Turvey, who will be updating us with her latest work using EFT. Jacqui is an Advanced EFT and Matrix Reimprinting  Practitioner.   Jacqui says "EFT is brilliant for releasing the emotions that are linked with stress and I am working with lowering my clients' stress levels and helping them to continue to lead normal lives." Since I last spoke to Jacqui on The Natural Co-Creators Show, she has also qualified as a Doreen Virtue certified Angel Card Reader.  Jacqui will be giving a few short readings on the show (after the first) half (around 8.30) so please phone in with any burning questions and I am sure that she can connect to the angels to bring through some fantastic guidance. You can find out more about Jacqui and her work via her website which is:-