Spiritual Charlotte

Episode 30 - Walking the Easter Season & Christian Calendar with Susan Heun



We're in the middle of a 7-part series where we're walking the Christian Calendar with Charlotte-based Methodist Minister, Susan Heafner-Heun, to better understand the "Christian year". Right now we're in the middle of the Easter season, which lasts until June 4. *Raise your hand if you had no idea that Easter was a full season or that it lasts 50 days! We're with you! Easter is about many things, but it's most certainly about hope! What else is it about? What do the Gospel writers tell us about God being a God of Life through the Easter story? What is the message of death not having the last word? What's up with the bodily resurrection? How about the garden where Jesus' open tomb was said by some to be located? How about all the appearances Jesus made after he died? What were all the "little" stories that were included in the larger Easter Story? In our usual inquiring fasion, we hop down a few bunny trails, and ask about "The Way" and the followers of The Way, the significance of breath, the Gospel writer