Hiroshima University's English Podcast

やさしい英語会話 (329) Be Nice to Your Wife



Download MP3 ジューンブライドの季節を前に、今回のテーマは「結婚記念日」。世の中には、毎年欠かさずお祝いをする夫婦もいれば、二人とも無頓着な夫婦もいます。では、結婚記念日を片方が欠かさず覚えていて、もう片方が無頓着だったら…続きは今回の会話で!? 今回の番組では、結婚して30年のJoeが国際結婚と夫婦円満の秘訣についてもお話します。こちらもお楽しみに!  *** It's a Good Expression *** (今回の重要表現) make up 仲直りする slip one’s mind うっかり忘れる make excuses 言い訳をする break the silence 沈黙を破る Oh my gosh! うわぁ。/まじ? *** Script *** Be Nice to Your Wife (closing the front door) M: Hi! I’m home! Sorry I’m late. W: … (silence) M: Hey, what’s wrong? W: Do you remember what day it is today? M: What? Is today special? W: (sigh) Oh, you are unbelievable. M: Why? What are you talking about? W: Today IS a special day. Today’s our wedding anniversary! And, we’ve been married for 10 years! M: Oh… It totally slipped my mind! W: (sigh) I don’t know what to say… M: I’m sorry, but I’ve been too busy recently, and… W: Don’t make excuses! I don’t want to talk with you anymore! M: Whatever! Fine! (Door slamming as she leaves the room) (Three days later) M: (speaking to self) Ah! I have a