Hiroshima University's English Podcast

アメリカ★は愉快だ (5) 騒がしい隣人



Download MP3 留学早々、Momoはさっそく大学の宿題に取り掛かろうとしています。そんな彼女を悩ませるのが、爆音で音楽を聴いている大学寮の隣人。堪りかねたMomoは隣人のドアをノックし、静かにしてもらうようお願いします…。 「アメリカ★は愉快だ」は、英語は上達したいけど少し苦手…という方々を対象にしたシリーズです。シャドウイングの練習もありますので、しっかり聞いて、しっかり声に出して練習してみましょう。  5: Dorm Friends (Momo and Carson) W: Ugh, the neighbors have been blasting music for over an hour now! I hate confronting people, but I really wanna get started on this homework. (knocks on door, but no answer) Um, excuse me… Hello? HELLO? M: (turns music down, opens door) Huh? What’s up? W: I, uh… Sorry to bother you, but… I’m trying to do some homework, and you’re being kind of loud. Could you turn your music down a little? M: Oh dang, my bad, dude! Yeah, for sure, I’ll turn it down. W: Um… OK. Thanks. See you. M: Hey, wait! Since we’ll be living next to each other for a year, we should probably know each other’s name! I’m Carson-- yeah, (sarcastic) haha, like Carson City, the capital of Nevada. My parents hate me. W: Oh. I’m Momoko, but you can call me Momo. M: Right on. Nice to meet