
This is it, a weekend for nerds like no other



Oh you know whats going on this weekend Unless you live under an Amish roof youll probably realize that Endgame is finally here All that wait buildup and suspense is finally going to be paid off I get a bit sentimental thinking about how Infinity War made such an impression on me it pushed me into finally making my podcast And here we are now for the second part of the dream Anyway as youll hear me rant on about theres no need to treat this as a review recommend or warn Go see it Even if youre not a superhero movie fan fucking casuals Theres not been a movie event like this in our lifetime and I hope everyone gets to experience the hype My ticket has been burning a hole in my pocket for weeks so I cant wait for tomorrow Ill be filling my time well after the movie because Im going to take some time for a long deep dive into the return of drum roll the Avengers x Fortnite crossovers Oh man this iswas my jam I mean statistically those are the two topics that come up the most on my channel maybe neck and neck wi