Don Woods

The Grand National and The Boat Race



Some schools in Birmingham want to teach 4 year olds about "life" including same sex relationships....we are talking about 4 year olds here...who are confused enough without being bombarded with this sort of that age their brains are like sponges and they take everything in... they are told what religion they are and that everyone else beliefs are wrong my opinion at that age they should be taught arithmetic and how to read and write....let them be kids.....they certainly don't need to know about sex until they are in secondary school when they can make their own minds up...and it is confusing enough then...another sad situation caused by know nothing so called grown ups. 2.I've been doing a bit of DIY lately...a very rare occurrence ... and have come across some modern packaging....I bought a pair of scissors which were contained in clear moulded plastic....which you need scissors to get into....or a Swiss army knife...similarly I bought some the time I had got through