Rural Futures With Dr. Connie

Quantitative futurist Amy Webb intersects futurism, change, now-est mentality



Amy Webb, Award-winning author and professor of strategic foresight at the New York University Stern School of Business, talks with Dr. Connie about the role and scope of futurists, the now-est mentality of the United States, our emotional relationship with change, the multiple pathways for possible futures and so much more. Amy is the Founder of the Future Today Institute, a leading foresight and strategy firm that helps leaders and their organizations prepare for complex futures, and her new book, The Big Nine, released in March. After learning more about the Rural Futures Institute she said: "The Nebraska community and just the larger rural community is lucky that you guys exist and that you're doing this work. Because, again, we're reticent to change, it's hard and, ultimately, what futurists ask people to do is to confront that uncertainty and that change and to accept it and to experiment and try things that are untested."