The Wade Alters Show

100. How To Create The Ultimate Social Circle: The Secret To Winning Friends



So I’ve been coaching my girlfriend, Dana, on how to make friends lately. She recently started a new job, and with the move to LA, she’s had to re-adjust her social circle and start meeting new people. It’s giving me flashbacks to my old coaching days, where we’ll be out at an event, and I’ll tell her to go approach someone and how to start a conversation LOL. It’s easy for some and harder for others, depending upon how social or “popular” you were growing up. The funny thing is, even though those grade-school days are long behind us, we still carry a lot of baggage into our identity today. It can do some serious damage to our self-esteem, thinking that we deserve less than ideal behaviours from others. We put ‘glass-ceilings’ on to what we think we’re worthy of. One thing that I always keep coming back to, and hammer home is: “It’s never your identity, it’s always your strategy” Part of that strategy is interrupting negative thoughts. Like “never being the cool kid” or thinking “these people are better than