Live Immediately With Mike Campbell

038: Lisa Luken - Are You Living Life By Default?



To me the “rat race” isn’t about working a 9 to 5. It is about living your life by default—simply going through the days, doing the things you do, without much thought. We often do this because we’re programmed to think that we are just one more purchase away from being happier, better, higher up the social platform. But we all know this isn’t the case. My guest today is Lisa Luken and we discuss this notion of living life by default and how when we simplify our life we can see what is truly important. We can make changes, sometimes big leaps of faith, in a direction where we are deliberately living—that we don’t need to wait until “someday”, that today can be that day. Lisa and I also discuss the concept of easy. That often “easy is the default” that simple living isn’t always easy, but it does make you feel like you’re living. This is an episode that will make you think and question what it is in your life that you truly wan