Jane Anderson Show Podcast

Episode 27 - Creating a LinkedIn Company Page



This episode is about LinkedIn in particular whether you need a business page or company page and how to manage it if you are creating one. Your personal LinkedIn profile is an extension of your personal network and brand. It’s a way for you to connect on a personal level online. A business page is slightly different. While personal profiles have connections, company pages have followers.   Some benefits of having a company page include: Elevates the quality of talent applying for a role. Potential employees will review your company page, so make sure it reflects your organisational values. Leverage company visual branding by including images and logos. A company page is also a great place to share videos. Add specific products and services and launch new products and services. Share updates and provide a collection of information team members can easily share within their own personal networks. This allows the company to engage with followers. Some disadvantages include: Needs an allocated page