Venus Warriors Podcast | Liz Lima

Episode #6 | Why We Put Ourselves Last



Why We Put Ourselves Last You know that prioritizing your self-care is important. You know boundaries are key to keeping you healthy, energetic and happy. So why is it so difficult to put it into practice? What’s stopping you from putting yourself first? There’s massive pressure to keep other people happy, to be ‘unselfish’ and to take responsibility for other people’s emotions. Society wants you to be a people-pleaser, and that's the self-imposed truth if you’re a woman. So, you might need some extra support to prioritize your self-care and stop this habit of putting yourself last. Here are a few self-care myths smashed to help clear your way.     No one will like me if I say no That is a powerful one! Part of the strength of the ‘being unselfish’ myth is that people will like you more. That equates to being good will ensure you're loved. It doesn’t. They won’t. They will love or like you for being you, not for what you can do for them. A good relationship is not transactional, and if people judge you for