From Philly To Cali

Don Barris & The Ding Dong Show



Good Afternoon my friends, family & young fine fellows.  Back at it again with my mundane talk here on From Philly to Cali.  I did showcase at The Ding Dong Show with Don Barris, Maryjane, Schizo & many of the other great & talented cast of the show.  Did I make it any better?  Nah.  I’m just happy they allowed me to be a guest on their show.  Thanks, Don.  I was also interviewed by the man himself Don Barris on Simply Don the Podcast the following day.  It was super cool to experience my first podcast interview ever by another legend.  So Don, thanks for popping my guest host podcast cherry, my friend.  The interview itself was a solid and a little over an hour interview where Don interviews what’s been happening with me over the course of the months & how I ended up at the Comedy Store.  Stay tuned for the podcast release tomorrow on 03/24/2019 on “Simply Don the Podcast” available in iTunes & Google Play.  I will be making another little cameo at The Ding Dong Show this upcoming Monday