The Ketohacking Md Podcast

18: Fat Hack Introduction



Jimmy and John shift gears today and begin a new KetoHack experiment you've all been waiting for. Today we start talking about hacking your Keto Lifestyle with LOTS OF FAT. Join us for a fat-filled show today in Episode 18.     Highlight Quote: “I don't think that protein is driving satiety, I believe it's fat.” – John Limansky M.D.  Highlight Quote: “People hear 70% fat and they think your plate is just a big gloppy mess of fat .They forget the density of energy that's in the fat.” – Jimmy Moore Keto Chow Complete nutrition for nutritional ketosis ...and it's tasty! Nail your macros! COUPON CODE LLVLC FOR 10% OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER NOTICE OF DISCLOSURE: Paid sponsorship Listen in today as Jimmy and John talk about their new Fat Hack Experiment and discuss: – Their recent trip to KetoCon – Dave Feldman’s take on fat as an energy delivery mechanism – Fat vs protein as the satiating macronutrient – How the experiment is structured : 7 days with 90:10 fat:protein – Labs we are checking – What we are attemptin