Walking Dharma

Episode 20: Let Go or Be Dragged



This week's podcast dives into the concept of unattachment. "Attachment is that which follows identification with pleasurable experiences." -Yoga Sutras "Aversion is that which follows identification with painful experiences." - Yoga Sutras Attachment and aversion are both rooted in fear of pain and a longing for pleasurable/pleasant experiences. When we are willing to understand that nothing in this life is permanent, not even feelings of discomfort, we become capable of practicing unattachment. Not even our bodies withstand the test of time. Unattachment (vairagya) is an invitation to embrace every experience with an open mind and open heart, devoid of clinging and fully present to what is unfolding. Practicing unattachment is a way to acknowledge the impermanent nature of existence and embrace change and let go. Rather than cling onto stories of how life should be and hold onto resentment and disappointment when things don't go our way, we can choose to graciously let go and open our hearts to the way th