Neil Corcoran (tantric Dex)

Aretha Franklin Tribute Mix Part 2



Here’s Part 2 of my tribute mix to Aretha Franklin. A selection of my favourite uptempo tracks from right across her career. You can find Part 1 here: Both a 20th and 21st century cultural icon, creating a legacy spanning over 6 decades and known all over the world simply by her first name: Aretha. We’re never going to have an artist with a career as bountiful and constantly surprising as hers. And we’re unlikely to see another superstar as steeped in self-confidence at so many different stages of life, across as many genres. She changed where the stress fell in popular singing. You could glean a story from the lyrics but also hear it in the timbre and tone of her voice — agony, ecstasy and everything in between. “When it comes to expressing yourself through song, there is no one who can touch her. She is the reason why women want to sing” (Mary J. Blige) And when Aretha Franklin is described as the most successful singer in