Neil Corcoran (tantric Dex)

Regroup and Rewind 2018 Part 1



**Updated at 22:39 GMT on the 31st December 2018, the volume was clipping in places, so I fixed it. Apologies if you've downloaded already. Take another swing at it there. If you're listening after that point then it's all good** A smorgasbord of the choicest cuts to cap off 2018, with the second part to follow next week. Here's a selection box of mid-tempo grooves to keep things smooth. You can also find last year's, 2016 and 2015's outings here. 2017: 2016: 2015: I've also compiled a full run down of my favourite films from the past 12 months. You can find the list here: Happy New Year to you, all the best for 2019! Cheers to the new year! Here's a link to my new Podcast page You'll st