
Ep #3: Happiness, Contentment, and Finding Balance with Dr. Eric Farmer



Too often, entrepreneurs put so much time and energy into their businesses that they forget to live their lives. This is a common problem among dentists, as well, and today’s guest is here to shed light on the root of this issue and how to avoid falling victim to this "achievement mindset" so you can live a balanced life. Dr. Eric Farmer is a mentor and teacher for dentists across the world, and with over 20 years of experience in the field, he offers valuable insight into the true meaning of contentment and fulfillment. Listen in to hear the important lessons he learned throughout his career, what people tend to misunderstand about success, and his advice for young dentists who want to live a life that inspires others. You can find show notes and more information by clicking here: http://bit.ly/2T5gdEn