Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

The UMC Decision



Fam, We are back again! Spiritual Studd has been knocked for a loop by some bug that is not the flu but like the flu. Anyway, we are back. Her voice is not the best but we knew that we had to get back to work.  For those who are not into church business, the United Methodist Church had their general convention in St. Louis last week. Their main topic was whether to keep the ban on LGBT clergy and same-sex marriage. Well, they decided to do so. Now, this denomination is facing uncertainty because there are progressive factions as well as conservative factions within it.  The progressives were disappointed with the vote because they have been actually welcoming to those in the LGBT community.  Many are discussing leaving but there are so many moving parts that will be affected. This could be a long process but it may happen. Many of us have been upset and we have a right to be. How dare any human being tell us that we are not good enough to serve God. This is based upon scriptures that were written regarding so