

Speaker or Performer: Ben Selby Date of Delivery: February 10, 2019 Powerful PursuitWhy Powerful Pursuit?Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness, self-controlWhat is Powerful Pursuit?Powerful Pursuit is a consistent, ever-growing, intentional, relational, pursuit of who God is and who He says you are.Powerful Pursuit is when your pursuit of God is based on your conscious choice and not on your feelings or the pushing of others.What Does it Mean to be Powerful?A Powerful Person is a person who is governed by the world within them, not the world around them.When we allow the world around us to dictate how we feel, we become slaves to our circumstances.Anytime our sense of “power” comes from others, we are actually powerless. You cannot have unconditional love until you become powerful. Common Excuses Not Pursue God:An excuse is often something that we use to shift responsibility from us to our circumsta