Married Millennials

Money Is A Thang



Justin and Joy discuss embarking on a new decade of life and the challenges married couples face by keeping their money separate. Elevator Pitch Justin’s 30th Birthday celebration! Learning to accept the person we are and not running from our truth. January’s book club selection transformed Justin’s way of thinking. Jussie Smollett’s attack is a painful reminder of how far we still need to go as a society. Justin’s frustration with people painting advocacy with one broad brush. My money vs. your money vs. our money…where do you stand? The innate dangers of keeping your money separate as a married couple. Is it irresponsible to date without a “job” or income source? And much more! Spread the Word If you enjoyed the episode, please leave us a review on iTunes and share it with your friends! Connect with us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to share your thoughts about the show. Married Millennials Facebook Group Married Millennials is a platform for married or engaged millennial co