Worldbuilder's Anvil

Episode 264 6 Tips to help you recapture your time



Today's Topic Here are simple hacks I use to get the most out of my time One of the major issues I hear from worldbuilders is that they do not know how to get the time.  However, often time they have no idea even how much time they have to work creatively each week Please Subscribe, Rate and Review us on iTunes For complete Fantasy Worldbuilding, show notes go to Podcast Show flow Win-Win goals support agreement I need time, what time do you want? Not judging A weekly discussion about obligations and needs Care about their hobby or secondary interest as much as you want them to care about yours… even if they don’t Work on being flexible Gmail calendars Shared with family Track your must-do activities Budget time (Episode 133 Learn how I found 17 extra hours a week in 15 minutes) 168 Hours Minus Sleep – Work – eating – commuting -  stuff you have to do Trello Tracking Major things I am doing (or want 2)  and the steps to get there Daily and task planning Daily Journal Michael's