Rural Futures With Dr. Connie

Dr. Tyler Ideus intersects physical medicine, agriculture, global impact



Small-town raised and part-time farmer, Dr. Tyler Ideus is a specialist in physical medicine practicing in Lincoln, Neb., and traveling internationally as a instructor for Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, a leading rehabilitation approach. Dr. Connie's interest was sparked by Dr. Ideus' background in conventional agriculture and his global perspective of healthcare combined with his expertise in a variety of manual therapies, ranging from physical therapy, rehabilitation, functional medicine, soft tissue, dry needling and manipulation. A "maverick" working and teaching in urban settings but living and farming in a rural area makes him the "perfect" guest, Dr. Connie said. In this episode Dr. Ideus shares his vision for connecting agriculture, nutrition and healthcare and his passion for a thriving rural future through a mindset of abundance.