

It's almost as important as "what" you would take with you should you be forced to evacuate due to a disaster or other crisis... ... it's "when" you should leave! Why? Because if you choose the wrong moment, you could find yourself trapped with all the other (less-prepared) evacuees in one big giant "highway mess". NOT where you want to be when cars are stalled in the middle of the road... with angry, frustrated citizens just looking for some schmuck to take their temper out on. One of our New World Patriot Alliance members, Jim, had a question very specific to his geographical location and the threats he might face on the way to his "Plan B" safety retreat. His question - and a summary of my tips - are all coming up in this week's podcast episode... Here's What You'll Discover In This Week's Episode: The one factor that's even MORE important than your "survival plan"! (Unfortunately, it's the same factor that most people - even "preppers" - ignore at their own peril!) Jim already answered the question of