The Wade Alters Show

87. Here’s Why Most Digital Nomads Are Failures



I’m loving the weather in LA. I’m still not used to wearing a T-shirt & shorts during the winter lol. Growing up I always wanted to live by the beach and escape the cold. And now it’s finally happened! Back when I visited Thailand it really inspired me to wanna live a better lifestyle and live somewhere warm. But there’s a few reasons why I didn’t settle down there (or any other Digital Nomad community). … It’s not what most people think it is! It’s over-glamorized because of social media and there’s a lot of flaws that you guys don’t get to see or hear about… A major reason I didn’t settle down in Thailand? Digital Nomads play it small. A lot of them are freelancers, solopreneurs or somehow created another job for themselves... And they don’t really wanna live a better lifestyle than that! They don’t want true freedom. They’re stuck on a plateau of working 30-40 hours a week and trading their time for money (instead of creating real value for money). If you’ve ever thought about becoming a Digital Nomad,