

Speaker or Performer: Bob & Julie Petersen Date of Delivery: December 16, 2018 Value UThe more you agree with God about your identity in Christ, the more your behavior will begin to reflect your GOD GIVEN identity.How We See OurselvesI read a story of a woman that was strikingly beautiful.She was intelligent, well dressed well liked.Yet she carried herself as if she was repulsive.She was lonely and had decided that her life was to be one of loneliness and reclusiveness.Her counselor said, “As I listened to her story, I thought, ‘Surely, a woman as good-looking as this must have plenty of dates and many opportunities to fall in love.’”How was it that she was so beautiful, but lacked the self-confidence to believe anyone would want her?It came from her old memories of rejection.She was from a young age the tallest girl in the class.Now at 5'10 her height adds to her attractiveness.But she cannot believe that, and she cannot remove from her mind the me