Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

Fear of a Brown Nation



Fam, "Tis the season" - "Deck the Halls" - "Jingle Bells," are all songs representative of what most deem as the most wonderful time of year. But for many, the words, "Jesus is the Reason" express their beliefs regarding this season. This Christmas season rings different for us for many reasons, but the one we discuss in this podcast has been a large part of discussions everywhere for these past two years. However, the rhetoric these past few months has brought something out in a surprising group of people. See, the very basis for this season, according to Christianity, is the birth of Jesus. However, the question we ask is, "Are Christians really honoring the one they claim to follow?" I am reminded of the fights over saying, "Merry Christmas" and the screams that "they" want to take Christ out of Christmas. From where we sit, it looks like Christ has been removed from everyday life. How many Christians remember the story told in Matthew 2:13-18? Here's a short reminder. Herod, the King of the Jews heard tha