The Wade Alters Show

Going from 0 Youtube Subscribers to 1,000 per DAY w/ Max Hertan



When's the last time you quit on your dream or ambition because you thought it would be too hard to accomplish? Or too much work to do? Listen up! My friend Max wanted to build a YouTube Personal Brand from scratch, with no knowledge of the platform (or the algorithm). After 6 months he only had 1,000 subscribers. ... and he was working on it everyday. New content... Recording... Editing... Getting less than 100 views per new video. He kept wondering why he was still doing this... Because Max was already a super-successful entrepreneur. He started multiple successful businesses, earning 7-figure revenues, and 19 employees to delegate daily operations too. He had “more important things” to do, like putting out fires & running the businesses that we’re making money & revenue. And he was pouring all his time, effort and energy into something that wasn’t working... There are no secrets to success. It's the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure. It reminds me of 98% of guys who tried s