The Wade Alters Show

Consistently Get 6 Figure Sales With This Skill (Copywriting)



Copywriting is one of the MOST misunderstood business skills one could create massive wealth with. It gave me the confidence to leave my old job and set sail with my own business, knowing I could still create a 6-Figure income. But most people don’t understand what copywriting is (not to be confused with legal ‘copywriting’ language)... Copywriting is about sales & persuasion. And if you’re running any kind of business, you’re leaving money on the table if you don’t understand who your customers are, how they think, and what their biggest pains & desires are. Your landing pages, design, descriptions, emails, phone calls, websites … might not be optimized to your prospects, especially those meeting you for the first time. Does your offer speak to them, their worries and concerns, and where they want to go in life? 95% of businesses miss the target with deeply understanding how to frame their offer and position their business. In this week’s podcast, I breakdown the most important skill that’s helped me