The Wade Alters Show

This Is The Perfect Business Idea...



I remember when I left the dating company I used to work for. I was wide-eyed, pumped and excited to start “my own thing”. No more having to listen to bosses on how to make my content. But one thing I didn’t prepare for was that I had to start over from scratch. No email list, no prospects, and not that much money… But, I had one thing going for me… I’ve done product launches that sold millions in revenue. Through all my years as a dating coach, I knew how to take action (since I was teaching guys all the time to overcome their own fears and insecurities). I knew the negativity, worries in my head, and fear of failure were always going to be there. And I did it anyway. I haven’t looked back since! It’s funny how success with women is actually very similar to business & entrepreneurial success. As a dating coach, guys would wait for the “perfect time” to approach a woman they were attracted to. And all the excuses in the world would surface up… Then, as they’ve been brainstorming the “perfect line” to say