Lamar Family Ministries Center Sermons

Denominationalism to Family



Speaker or Performer: Caleb Petersen Date of Delivery: October 21, 2018 Points of Reform for the Modern ChurchFrom Denominationalism back to the 5-Fold ModelAn Ever-Increasing Revelation of Jesus The New CovenantDeeper Understanding of the Bible its Application TodayHopeful Victorious EschatologyEffective Strategies to Accomplish the Great CommissionWomen in Ministry Women in GeneralTrue Unity Between ChristiansLove Affection Between ChristiansWhat Loving the World Actually Looks LikeWholeness Selfcare*new 95 theses*DenominationalismWe vered from the original model. Why?After apostles died, Platonian (Greek) philosophy took over:Marcionism: the God of Jesus was a different God from the God of the Old Testament.Montanism: relied on prophetic revelations from the Holy Spirit.Adoptionism: Jesus was not born the Son of God, but was adopted at his baptism, resurrection or ascension.Docetism: Jesus was pure spirit and his physical form an illusion.Sabellianism: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three mod