The Wade Alters Show

Day-Job Escape: Exclusive Interview w/ Chosen 20 Client



Have you ever wondered what it’s like to coach with me? Because this week, I’m giving you a sneak peak into my Chosen 20 coaching. I’ve been coaching Adam for a while now, and it’s been amazing to see his rise from being an IT Security person to starting his own business and growing it to $5M. So, I brought him on to see what he’s learned along the way to creating a lifestyle he’s always dreamed of. In this week’s podcast, Adam shares a really important key that changed his business. His business went from being unsuccessful to solving MASSIVE pain points for his clients by implementing this ONE thing. And it’s a strategy that anyone can incorporate into their business. I typically don’t like to share my Chosen 20 Client’s breakthroughs (it’s usually exclusive to my private coaching sessions)… But in this case, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about Side-Hustles, so this was one I had to share. As always,  Enjoy!