The Wade Alters Show

Give Up… It Doesn’t Matter Anyway



It’s time to throw in the towel man. We’re doomed. Quit your job. Spend your savings and hide-out in Mexico for as long as you can. What you’re doing isn’t going to matter in the next 10 years. I just watched Elon Musk’s interview on Joe Rogans podcast, and it got me thinking about how half the population might be jobless soon… If you don’t already know, Elon Musk is one of the most bad ass entrepreneurs to have ever lived. He’s the Founder of Tesla (electric car company), co-founder of PayPal, and he built a spaceship company to start life on Mars (SpaceX). He's worth 20 BILLION…! Elon wants launch his Spaceship to Mars in 2022. The smartest entrepreneur on Earth 100% believes that Artificial Intelligence is going to doom us and take over the world. It’s literally the only reason he would build a Spaceship to start life on Mars. Woooohieee!! Man the next 10 years is going to be interesting. It might end up in some Terminator scenario (like Elon predicts), orrrrr… it might actually make our lives 500% easier.