

Speaker or Performer: Bob Petersen Date of Delivery: September 16, 2018 Dealing With DoubtWHAT REALLY IS FAITH?I’ve heard it said that when I sit down in a chair I have faith that the chair will hold me.This is actually trust based off of past experienceFaith is doing something because someone tells you to do it when you don’t understand how it will work.When you see how it will work it’s not faith anymore, it’s then knowledge or understanding.We gain understanding and knowledge in areas that were once faith to us.So, we must continue to stretch or build our faith or we’re not operating in faith but knowledge and understanding.It’s the same in weight lifting or exercise where your muscles and body get used to a certain level.Many Christians hit this point after a short time and when they do they stop seeing miracles.Failed past experienceWhen manifestations or miracles (small or big) stop they then allow doubt to build based off of what is no