Rawkin Radio

Revvell interviews Jinjee Talifero on Raw food, Pregnancy and raising Raw Children



Jinjee Talifero will be relating the potential for hour-long labors and ease of child-birth as she speaks about her four pregnancies and at-home births. Please join us for this amazing discussion. Ecstatic Birthing – After two raw vegan pregnancies that resulted in hour-long labors and two cooked-vegan pregnancies that resulted in 30-hour labors, Jinjee saw the light – literally. With a vision of spinning molecules in living food creating more elastic tissues in the body she realized with a certainty that this is way we are meant to eat. Here how Jinjee is bringing up four children on a raw vegan diet. ( update)  Jinjee Talifero is the mother of 5 children, two of whom were born while she was still on a cooked food program and three who were born while she was a raw vegan. This interview will tell how she and her husband Storm met and how she ventured on her raw food journey; the challenges she met (and is still encountering) on the way; and having, schooling and bringing up5 children on the garden diet. The